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■掲示板に戻る■ 全部 1- 101- 201- 301- 401- 501- 最新50

445 :名無し募集中。。。:2012/03/18(日) 16:28:26.74 0
Talk to my troubled brain
If you can feel my pain
So much hurting that's living in my head
Now I can barely breathe
And now my heart's disease
And my name and my life has been stepped
on and on' No no!

The name of God in vain
You pushed me I'm insane
Dissolution is knocking on my door
Can't stop my bitter tears
Oh take away my fears
Body and soul is blown up into pieces

Oh Cry out I want to be free
Dry out I want to know truth
Let me drain my feelings out
Lough like a drain My emotions scream
Let me drain!

So I can't speak my mind
ナマタさえも blind
I am left in a land with just solitude
Has this become my fate
Who's next be your bate
Vicious cycle repeating on and on


掲示板に戻る 全部 前100 次100 最新50
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0ch BBS 2005-12-31